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Dermatology & Beauty Clinic

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The best care

The Noor Clinics offers a full range of dermatological care for both common and rare problems of skin, hair, and membranes.


​Most common conditions treated at Dermatology Clinic


​Acne and acne scars




Fungal infections

Hair loss – alopecia

Skin moles, warts.

Skin Pigmentation


List of some services provided by our competent

Dermatologists (Laser Treatment)


Hair removal

Vascular treatment of spider veins, varicose veins, rosacea

hyperpigmentation and Nevi


Acne scars


Benign Moles & Nevi

Resurfacing: xanthelasma, striae




Crystal peeling

Vitamin C. peeling

Fruit acid peeling

Green Peel

Chemical peeling (TCA)


Facial session for whitening and acne treatment sessions.




Botox injection for wrinkles and hyperhidrosis



Mesotherapy for


Face rejuvenation


Skin Tightening

Fat Dissolving


UVA, UVB, Narrow bands for treatment of




Facial cleaning

ULTRAcel for Lifting


FraxelTMis a recent Laser technology for the treatment of acne scars, sun damage, enlarged pores, wrinkles, skin discoloration, melasma, and stretch marks. Fraxel is a unique approach to repair the damaged skin pixel by pixel, spot by spot.


Fraxel Restore (SR1500) laser, the second-generation of Fraxel laser can provide a safer, more effective treatment with shorter treatment time, and no longer requires blue dye to be applied to the patient\'s face.


Multiple Treatments (4-5) are needed to achieve optimal results. This is an outpatient procedure only requiring the topical application of an anesthetic cream. Side effects are limited to a redness which resolves in 1-3 days. The amazement is not only in the results of the laser but the speedy recovery, with almost no risk of complications and no downtime.

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